Serving our heritage

The Atelier Simon-Marq carries out all operations relating to the protection, preservation, and enhancement of historic stained glass windows. Though we operates with strict adherence to traditional methods, we also keep a close eye on how processes evolve.


Restoration work always begins with an expert assessment of what needs to be done. As well as assessing the condition of the stained glass panes themselves, the metal components and stonework have to be analysed. Our job is to enable old stained glass to withstand the effects of wind, rain, variations in temperature and air pollution over time.


Glass is a fragile material that suffers many ills: it is sensitive to the wind, to rain, and to variations in temperature. It is also affected by air pollution and by the sulphates and silicates contained in rainwater.


If inadequately maintained, the metal components deteriorate and must be replaced by qualified craftspeople.
The metal framework is held within the stone window surround by mortar, which is a point of fragility that has to be monitored, maintained and repaired.


As well as standard restoration and cleaning work, for the past few decades stained glass windows have often been protected by encapsulating them within glazed panels that replicate the pattern of the lead cames.

latest restorations

Restauration Restauration Restauration Restauration

Saint-Laurent church in Azelot

May 2024

A precious 15th-century stained glass window is currently being studied and restored at the Atelier Simon-Marq. Identified by Michel Hérold, General Conservator of Heritage and Director of the French Committee of the Corpus Vitrearum, on the website of London art dealer Sam Fogg, the history of this stained glass window is worthy of an investigation! > Read the story of its (re)discovery

Restauration Restauration Restauration

Rose window of Saint Stephen’s cathedral

2020-2021, Metz

Restauration Restauration

Bibliothèque Carnégie

2018, Reims

Restauration Restauration


2017-2018, Reims

Église Saint-Gildard

2017-2018, Longuesse

Restauration Restauration

Église Saint-André

2015, Reims

Restauration Restauration

Basilique Saint-Remi

2013, Monument Historique, Reims

Restauration Restauration

Villa Demoiselle

2007, Reims